The meaning of the name ErfGoed

The meaning of the name ErfGoed

The meaning of the name ErfGoed

Sep 9, 2021 1:02:54 PM

Our company name ‘ErfGoed’ is easy to pronounce for Dutch growers. Foreign growers often find it difficult. Particularly in the beginning. But both groups often wonder what it means and why we decided on this name.

Composite word

ErfGoed is a composite word. It consists of two words, Erf (Yard) and Goed (Good). That is why we spell our name with two capitals: ErfGoed. The yard is the area around a home. For growers, that is usually the nursery. If things are right there, growers will have what they need to get the best return on their efforts.


In Dutch, the word erfgoed is usually used to refer to cultural heritage. In other words, valuable cultural and historical reminders of our history. They can be physical or immaterial: archaeological finds, castles or paintings, but also customs and knowledge.

Staying in the lead

This past is what our name refers to. The Netherlands leads the way in international horticulture. To a large extent, we can thank our ancestors for that. We want to build on that knowledge and make sure we stay in the lead.


Choosing a name is always a serious business. It implies obligations. That is clear to see in how we work: we want to care for our environment. That is why we work with the best capital assets and the most durable materials. Our cultivation floors have long working lives and they are made from material that can be recycled. Ninety percent of the material can be separated and recycled.

But the most important factor is our workforce. Everybody in our company works where their talents work best. Ninety percent of our staff have permanent contracts and staff turnover is minimal. So the people who work for us are professionals with high levels of knowledge who are enormously motivated to make the absolute best of every job.

Green and blue

The ErfGoed logo includes two colours: green and blue. Obviously, green stands for growth, for the plants that flourish on the ErfGoed cultivation floor. Blue symbolises the water that is delivered in a unique way by the cultivation floor.

Ultimately, our name and the colours in our logo represent what we as a company stand for: working carefully with the basic materials that we inherit. We do this in a sustainable, reliable and unique way, with our hyper-modern cultivation floors as the ultimate proof.

Incidentally, do you want to know how you really pronounce our name? Check out this video!



Hugo Paans