Cultivation (Greenhouse) Floors and Water Systems for Healthy and Uniform Crops!
As a business owner/grower, you want to be a reliable supplier for your customers. For this, you need a dependable cultivation system (cultivation floor/water system). If you are experiencing plant loss and want higher, consistent quality plants, it is frustrating to work with an unreliable system. Your cultivation system should not hinder your reputation as a reliable supplier.
This is how we help growers

Water management is a crucial factor for your plants. Therefore, the details are very important. See what we can do for you in this regard.
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Looking for a cultivation floor? We look at your situation to offer the right floor. We do this for breeding, propagation and production.
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We want to be a partner for growers. This means we are critical and provide advice for the future. We develop your plans into an ErfGoed Master Plan.
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Read what growers have to say about their ErfGoedFloor

How ErfGoed supports The Plant Company's growth with advanced water technology
The Plant Company is one of the leading producers of indoor tropical houseplants in the United States. Recently, the company has undergone significant growth, expanding its existing ErfGoed.. + Read more
Wilbert de Rijke builds a solid foundation with ErfGoed
While the logo of the previous grower still adorns the greenhouse and part of the facility is still filled with amaryllises, the first large-flowered cyclamen grown by Wilbert de Rijke have already.. + Read more
“We really should have done this ten years ago”
Dick Eerbeek
A modest sign points the way bet-ween two houses to Eerbeek Plant Centre. The white stucco façade of the premises, with its high windows and green lamps, is reminiscent of an at-mospheric, listed.. + Read more
Meyers Farms:“This makes the life of individual horti-culturists simpler”
Aron Hoff
As the interview takes place autumn has only just begun and it is a busy time on Meyers Farms, a horticultural business in Ontario, in the south-east of Canada. “Cultivation of potted chrysanthemums.. + Read more
Spring Valley Gardens
Jeremy van Koeveringe
Jeremy van Koeveringe (Spring Valley Gardens): “ErfGoed’s equipment is not something that’s common here in North-America. Everything is a very clean installation.” + Read more
Westland Greenhouses
Pete van Beurden
Pete van Beurden (Westland Greenhouses): “The crops are very, very even. And you can basicly grow everything on this floor. It’s very flexible.” + Read more
Tigchelaar Berry Farms
Jeff Tigchelaar
Jeff Tigchelaar (Tigchelaar Berry Farms): “The cooporation that we had was one of the best things and one of the most positive things of our experience.” + Read more
Four Star
Dan Foster | Site Manager
Four Star Site Manager, Dan Foster, walks us through construction on Four Star’s new build and the installation of the innovative ErfGoed flood. + Read more
Matt Koole
Matt Koole (Creekside Greenhouses): “The roots and the watering are perfectly even, from the middle to the edge of the floor.” + Read more
Xavier Froger
“Under the old system we used drip irrigation. This is of course enormously labour intensive, both to set up and to harvest. With this new floor we can put down an additional crop every year compared.. + Read more
Sjef van den Berg
He moved from Milton to Beamsville two months ago. A brand new complex, just around 700 meters from Lake Ontario. A lovely nursery with ErfGoed cultivation floors inside and out. “I’ve got a.. + Read more
Stan Vanderwaal
Stan Vander Waal and Rob O’Hara from Rainbow Greenhouse about the ErfGoedVloer: + Read more
Peter Hill
“The floor has an ebb and flow system and underfloor heating. Because lava is extremely expensive in Britain, we went in search with ErfGoed for an alternative that is available locally. Chalk proved.. + Read more
Marco Rijstenbil: “ErfGoed has the same business philosophy”
When the decision was taken at Rijk Zwaan in Fijnaart to install a cultivation floor, Marco Rijstenbil, manager of the open-field division, made a conscious choice for ErfGoed. “For us, the.. + Read more
Luc Guilemain
“This cultivation floor does not only improve the quality of the plant but it is also very profitable for me. So we now no longer have any waste, while in the past we expected to discard 5-10% of the.. + Read more
Julissa VanderKnijf
Julissa VanderKnijf (DeVry Greenhouses): “The water distributes evenly, we have a lot less water waste and it’s much better for the plants.” + Read more
Kwekerij Maron opts for the ErfGoedFloor!
The old glass house, with a growing area of 8,000 square metres, is to be demolished in July. It will be replaced by a brand new glass house with a growing area of 1 hectare, in which the.. + Read more
Howard Braim; Better climate
“We are extremely satisfied with ErfGoed. It’s a firm with plenty of experience in laying cultivation floors. In one of our other houses we worked with a local contractor. They have the materials but.. + Read more
Gerard Schouwenaar
Gerard Schouwenaar is the owner of Orchard Park Growers, based in St. Catharines, Ontario. Orchard Park entered the greenhouse industry in 1990, after approximately 20 years where their crops were.. + Read more
Philippe Oger (62) van kwekerij Geoflor uit Tiercé heeft in zijn lange loopbaan diverse teeltsystemen uitgeprobeerd. “Met name de teelt van de kwetsbare plantjes als bijvoorbeeld primula’s vraagt om.. + Read more
Dirk Decru
Decru-Leroy Growers from Belgium grow large and small-flowered cyclamens in the winter and annuals in the spring such as Pelargonium, Osteospermum, Fuchsia and other annuals, both from seed and from.. + Read more
Dave Van Belle
More than forty years ago, his father started Van Belle Nursery. He himself has played an active role in the business for the last 21 years. In that time the company has experienced rapid growth. And.. + Read more
Dan Foster chooses for ErfGoed
Dan Foster is Site manager / product line manager at Four Star Greenhouse, Carleton USA and has a history with the company for more than 20 years. Four Star Greenhouse produces young plants and.. + Read more
Bellard Crochet
Family business Bellard Crochet of St Gemmes sur Loire decided to go for the ErfGoedFloor several years ago. Since then they have introduced this cultivation system over a wide area of their nursery... + Read more
Henri Buitenhuis
“A top product on a top floor” Buitenhuis Tree Growers in Boskoop have grown on lava for 18 years. ErfGoed recently installed a new cultivation floor. “Thanks to the vertical drainage, we no longer.. + Read more
Guillaume Salembien
Guillaume Salembien, the director of Arc’At Plants, is the first vegetable grower to install an ErfGoedFloor. ‘Watering comes from below. With spraying, it is difficult to water large crops such as.. + Read more
We understand water
Water is one of the most important factors for the final result of the plant, and thus for the position you hold in the market.
It starts with ensuring there is enough water. Next, the water must meet the right quality standards to prevent diseases and enhance quality. This should be easily achievable with a reliable system. At the same time, you want to have an overview of everything that is happening.
Watch the video beside to see how we manage this in practice.